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NOVINKA – golfové soustředění pro dospělé!

Nově pořádáme golfové soustředění pro dospělé, kde máte možnost pod vedením golfového trenéra zanalyzovat Váš golfových švih a díky tomu vylepšit golfové dovednosti. Součásti bude

Hledáme do týmu novou recepční!

Co vás čeká Standartní denní provoz recepce golfového klubu plus hotelová recepce pro 10 pokojů. Komunikace s klienty, prodej fee a golfových členství, golfových doplňků,


Dnešním dnem zahajujeme prodej ročních členství 2023! Neváhejte a využijte zvýhodněné nabídky s mnoha bonusy při nákupu do konce roku! Nabídku najdete zde  

You may wonder what would happen if you join a club, but on the weekend you do not get to use the course because of a tournament. We are aware of the fact that not all of you have the opportunity to spend only weekdays playing golf. If you want to spend a weekend golfing with your family, we aim to accommodate you as much as possible. That's why we guarantee that you will be able to play on the course at the weekend.

  • Sunday is member's day at Loreta
  • Reservations for Sunday playing times will be preferentially offered to Premium members and their guests until 5 p.m. on Thursday
  • On Sundays, playing times are not sold for the purpose of hosting commercial tournaments
  • If there is a commercial tournament at Loreta (course rental outside of Sundays), any free playing times before the start and after the end of the tournament will primarily be offered to the Premium members
  • We start smaller golf tournaments (20-60 players) only with a rolling start from hole #1 and in most cases at 10:00 a.m. so that members have the opportunity to play before and after the tournament. In this way, we occupy the least requested times for the tournament on the given day.