Incentive Program


The goal of training should not be longer drives or the correct arm bend in your golf swing. The goal of training is participating in tournaments and having fun playing on the course! Without playing regularly, children cannot see that they are improving and their interest declines. Let's prevent it together!
Naším druhým cílem je udržet status Tréninkového centra mládeže. This status is awarded by the Czech Golf Federation (CGF) to clubs that systematically work with youth. The Federation then supports these clubs and selects children from these clubs for regional and national competitions. We give this support back to our children. We have excellent conditions for training and the possibility of building a large and strong academy at the national level. Help us in our efforts and come to tournaments with us!

What will you get?

  • Team t-shirt with logo
  • 3 vouchers for 18 holes na Loretu (Vouchery lze uplatnit od PONDĚLÍ do PÁTKU v průběhu roku 2025)*
  • 1 voucher for 9 holes na Loretu (Vouchery lze uplatnit od PONDĚLÍ do PÁTKU v průběhu roku 2025)*
  • 2x25 minutes of trainings with a coach per month (in the period from April to October; trainings cannot
    be transferred to other months)
  • Coaching support on location at selected tournaments and possible help with transport to tournaments (a list of these tournaments can be found at the end of the document)

*Voucher can be used by any player - it does not have any name and age attached to it

And what do we want from you?

  • Přihlášení do systému TCM a vyplnění herních statistik z turnajů – an invitation to this system must be sent by email. This system is required by the CGF; it is a registration system for players, training sessions and tournaments within the training center
  • Playing 6 tournaments, organized by the Czech Golf Federation - a list of the tournaments and the complete calendar of youth and adult tournaments can be downloaded at the bottom of the page

Týmová reprezentace U14 a U18

If you are a part of the Incentive Program and we see the players’ continued efforts, they have a better chance to reprezentace klubu v týmových soutěží do 14 a 18 let. Such players can enjoy other benefits such as:

  • Free practice balls on the Driving Range all season long
  • Another team t-shirt with logo

Conditions and rules to get the benefits

  1. Home membership in Loreta Golf Club Pyšely: If you have a home membership in another club, then you represent another club - just write an email to the other club and to us that you want a home membership with us. This is free, regardless of the membership type
  2. Academy member - you train with us regularly
  3. Handicap 54 and lower
    • HCP 36 is a condition for reaching the youth ranking. However, we also want to support beginning players with a higher HCP and that is why we do not look at the HCP. Tournaments with HCP 36-54 are for 9 holes (Category E, F in regional tour tournaments)
  4. Age up to 18 years
  5. Registration in the Program!! How to register? See below
  6. Playing 6 tournaments organized by the CGF. Tournaments that are included in the Program:
    • Complete calendar of the CGF tournaments can be downloaded at the bottom of the page
    • Regionální Tour mládeže Západ B (RTM ZB)
    • Národní golfová tour mládeže (NGTM)
    • Raiffeisenbank Czech Open Golf Tour
    • Reprezentační výběry do 14 a 18 let
    • Národní mistrovství a kvalifikace
    • Týmové meziklubové ligy

If you sign up for the Program but do not meet the conditions - play tournaments, we reserve the right to suspend the use of free trainings until we see an effort to continue!

Registration and individual Program steps:

  1. Napište mi na email, že chcete být součástí tohoto programu a já Vám odešlu pozvánku do systému TCM.GOLF, co do emailu napsat?
    • Subject: Hrajeme za Loretu!
    • We have your e-mail address, however, ideally, we also want the player's email through which they will log in to the TCM system
    • T-shirt size
  2. Log into the TCM.GOLF system through the invitation you will receive
  3. Before the tournaments start, you will receive a t-shirt and have the opportunity to use coaching services
    • We are currently having t-shirts made and they should arrive during April
  4. After playing 6 tournaments, send another email to and, after being approved, you can pick up the vouchers at the reception desk

Turnaje, na které jedeme s Vámi 2025

Zajišťujeme dopravu, svačinu a trenérský dohled
27.4.  Slapy Matěj Brožka, Jakub Vážanský  
 26.8. Mstětice Bára Mejstříková, Matěj Brožka  

You may wonder what would happen if you join a club, but on the weekend you do not get to use the course because of a tournament. We are aware of the fact that not all of you have the opportunity to spend only weekdays playing golf. If you want to spend a weekend golfing with your family, we aim to accommodate you as much as possible. That's why we guarantee that you will be able to play on the course at the weekend.

  • Sunday is member's day at Loreta
  • Reservations for Sunday playing times will be preferentially offered to Premium members and their guests until 5 p.m. on Thursday
  • On Sundays, playing times are not sold for the purpose of hosting commercial tournaments
  • If there is a commercial tournament at Loreta (course rental outside of Sundays), any free playing times before the start and after the end of the tournament will primarily be offered to the Premium members
  • We start smaller golf tournaments (20-60 players) only with a rolling start from hole #1 and in most cases at 10:00 a.m. so that members have the opportunity to play before and after the tournament. In this way, we occupy the least requested times for the tournament on the given day.