Členství SWING 2025

CZK 1,590 / CZK 990 junior

  • 1 x 18 holes
  • 10% SLEVA na fee do 30.4.2025 od nákupu členství
  • Členství v LGCPY & ČGF – můžete mít na více hřištích
  • Reciprocal Golf Course Program
  • Cannot be divided into 9 holes
  • The game is non-transferable to another player and cannot be transferred to the next year
  • Membership cannot be renewed in one year

Členství SWING PLUS 2025 + BONUS

CZK 3,990 / CZK 2,490 junior

  • 4 x 18 holes
  • BONUS 1×9 jamek Po-Pá při nákupu členství do konce roku 2024 (voucher k vyzvednutí na recepci LGCPY)
  • 20% SLEVA na fee do 30.4.2025 od nákupu členství
  • Členství v LGCPY & ČGF – můžete mít na více hřištích
  • Reciprocal Golf Course Program
  • It can be divided into 9 holes Mon – Fri
  • The game is non-transferable to another player and cannot be transferred to the next year
  • Členství nelze v jednom roce opakovat

Členství TWIST 2025 + BONUS

CZK 7,990 / CZK 4,990 junior

  • 8 x 18 holes
  • BONUS 2×9 jamek Po-Pá při nákupu členství do konce roku 2024 (vouchery k vyzvednutí na recepci LGCPY)
  • 25% SLEVA na fee do 30.4.2025 od nákupu členství
  • Členství v LGCPY & ČGF – můžete mít na více hřištích
  • Reciprocal Golf Course Program
  • It can be divided into 9 holes Mon – Fri
  • The game is non-transferable to another player and cannot be transferred to the next year
  • Membership can be renewed in one year

Životní členství PREMIUM NA ZKOUŠKU 2025

Try out the life of a Premium member for a year! For a membership fee starting at CZK 25,000, you can enjoy unlimited games and all the benefits that the membership offers.

If you are satisfied with us, after a year we will extend the discounted offer of switching to a permanent Premium membership. The trial membership can only be used for one year.

CZK 25,000 adult / CZK 20,000 senior, student / CZK 12,000 junior

If you are interested in the Premium membership, we will be happy to arrange an appointment with you and present you in more detail what the membership in Loreta Golf Club offers.

If you would like to know more, contact the club secretary Radek Pilát at: pilat@loretagolf.cz or by phone: 602 232 000

  • Possibility of a discounted transition to Premium membership and with the possibility of installments!
  • Registration in the CGF
  • Unlimited game
  • Sundays reserved exclusively for the Premium members and their guests
  • Discounts on partner courses and indoor facilities
  • Possibility to participate in club events and tournaments
  • Five times during a season, the possibility to invite a guest with a 50% discount
  • 10% discount on selected resort services as part of the Premium program
  • Member games guaranteed
  • ... and for those who enjoy socializing, many opportunities to meet interesting people and make new friends

Životní členství PREMIUM 2025

At Loreta Golf Clubu Pyšely, we are serious about our club philosophy.
We organize a number of golf and social events for our members and, watching the growing membership base, we reserve the maximum possible playing times for the members. 

Sundays at Loreta are preferentially reserved for the Premium life members and their guests!

If you are interested in the Premium membership, we will be happy to arrange an appointment with you and present you in more detail what the membership in Loreta Golf Club offers.

If you would like to know more, contact the club secretary Radek Pilát at: pilat@loretagolf.cz or by phone: 602 232 000

  • registrace v LGCPY & ČGF
  • Unlimited game
  • Sundays preferentially reserved for Premium members and their guests
  • Discounts on partner courses and indoor facilities
  • Possibility to participate in club events and tournaments
  • Five times during a season, the possibility to invite a guest with a 50% discount
  • 10% discount on selected resort services as part of the Premium program 
  • ... and for those who enjoy socializing, many opportunities to meet interesting people and make new friends

Roční hrací poplatek 2025 stačí zaslat na bankovní účet 107-1786240237/0100, the identifier (VS) is the national registration number

CZK 19,900 adults, CZK 18,000 seniors, CZK 16,000 students, CZK 9,500 juniors

You may wonder what would happen if you join a club, but on the weekend you do not get to use the course because of a tournament. We are aware of the fact that not all of you have the opportunity to spend only weekdays playing golf. If you want to spend a weekend golfing with your family, we aim to accommodate you as much as possible. That's why we guarantee that you will be able to play on the course at the weekend.

  • Sunday is member's day at Loreta
  • Reservations for Sunday playing times will be preferentially offered to Premium members and their guests until 5 p.m. on Thursday
  • On Sundays, playing times are not sold for the purpose of hosting commercial tournaments
  • If there is a commercial tournament at Loreta (course rental outside of Sundays), any free playing times before the start and after the end of the tournament will primarily be offered to the Premium members
  • We start smaller golf tournaments (20-60 players) only with a rolling start from hole #1 and in most cases at 10:00 a.m. so that members have the opportunity to play before and after the tournament. In this way, we occupy the least requested times for the tournament on the given day.