Příměstské kempy Loreta 2025


Loreta Golf Club Pyšely


  • 10. 5. – 11. 5. (víkendový, 6 – 19 let)
  • 21. 6.  – 22.6. (víkendový, 6 – 19 let)
  • 7. 7. – 11. 7. (týdenní, 6 – 19 let)
  • 21. 7. – 25. 7. (týdenní, 9 – 19 let)
  • 18. 8. – 22. 8. (týdenní, 6 – 9 let)
  • 20. 9. – 21. 9. (víkendový, 6 – 19 let)

Half-day version: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (ending with lunch) or 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. (starting with lunch)

Full-day version: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Other information:



  • 1/2 den:        
  • Celodenní:     


  • 1/2 den:        
  • Celodenní:   


10% discount for the second child

Počet dětí ve skupině pro uskutečnění: Minimálně 5

Method of payment for the camps at Pyšely:

By transfer to the bank account 107-1786240237/0100 no later than 20 days before the 1st day of the camp. As the identifier (VS), enter your child's national registration number and the type of course and the child's name (e.g. full-day young child) in the notes.

Storno poplatky:

Při zrušení přihlášky do týdne před začátkem kempu neúčtujeme storno poplatky. Při zrušení přihlášky po této lhůtě účtujeme stornovací poplatek ve výši 50% z celkové ceny kempu. Pokud dítě na letní kemp nenastoupí bez zrušení přihlášky, činí storno poplatek částku ve výši 100% z celkové ceny kempu.


  • The program is modified according to the age, performance of the children and the weather
  • Teaching the basics of golf and golf game skills – putting, short game, long game, special shots, golf rules and ethics, or playing on the golf course, competitions and non-golf sports activities. Using SNAG golf
  • Tokens for the driving range, entry to practice areas and possibly the golf course, lunch, drinks, small snack, prizes for competitions
  • Golf clubs for rent

What to bring with you:

  • Sports (golf) clothing
  • Sturdy sports shoes
  • Cap, sunscreen
  • Personal favorite snack, water bottle
  • Rainwear (umbrella)
  • Notebook

Pobytový tábor Loreta 2025


Loreta Golf Club Pyšely


28. 7 – 1. 8. 2025

Other information:

Závazné potvrzení účasti 30 dnů před zahájení kempu

Cena pro členy Premium: 10290 Kč

Cena pro ostatní účastníky: 11390 Kč

10% discount for the second child

Method of payment for the camps at Pyšely:

By transfer to the bank account 107-1786240237/0100 no later than 20 days before the 1st day of the camp. As the identifier (VS), enter your child's national registration number and the type of course and the child's name (e.g. full-day young child) in the notes. 

Storno poplatky:

Při zrušení přihlášky do týdne před začátkem kempu neúčtujeme storno poplatky. Při zrušení přihlášky po této lhůtě účtujeme stornovací poplatek ve výši 50% z celkové ceny kempu. Pokud dítě na letní kemp nenastoupí bez zrušení přihlášky, činí storno poplatek částku ve výši 100% z celkové ceny kempu.


  • 4x game on the course
  • 1x tournament
  • Golf/fitness training
  • Training sessions, competitions
  • Trip
  • Theme evenings
  • Coach’s surprise

What to bring with you:

  • Medicines (if any are taken regularly, report on Sunday when handing over the child)
  • Clubs, balls (+-30)
  • Shoes (at least 3 pairs)
  • Umbrella, jacket, warmer clothes, cap
  • Bottle, swimsuit, headlamp
  • Sportswear, sunscreen
  • Doctor's certificate, Health Declaration Card

Application form

Please do not use Safari to submit the form. We will confirm receipt of your application by email.

I agree to the provision, collection, storage and processing of personal data contained in this form by the representative of Loreta Golf Academy for the purpose set out below. I grant this consent for all data contained in this form. At the same time, I am aware of my rights under Sections 12 and 21 of Act No. 101/2000 Sb., on the protection of personal data, as amended. I have familiarized myself with all the completed parts of this form, all information is accurate and true and is provided voluntarily. Furthermore, I agree to the possible taking of photos from the courses and their use for promotional purposes of Loreta Golf Academy golf courses. Purpose of Personal Data Processing In accordance with Section 5 of Act No. 101/2000 Sb., on the protection of personal data, as amended, all data listed in this form collected and processed exclusively for the purposes of invoicing, records of payments made and records of debtors (until the data subject directly and effectively sends the controller information that they do not wish their personal data to be used by the representative of the academy any more). Statement of the Representative of the Academy The controller declares that it will collect personal data to the extent necessary to fulfill the stated purpose and process them only in accordance with the purpose for which they were collected. Employees of the controller or other individuals who process personal data based on a contract with the controller and other persons are obliged to maintain confidentiality of personal data, even after the termination of the employment or contractual relationship.

You may wonder what would happen if you join a club, but on the weekend you do not get to use the course because of a tournament. We are aware of the fact that not all of you have the opportunity to spend only weekdays playing golf. If you want to spend a weekend golfing with your family, we aim to accommodate you as much as possible. That's why we guarantee that you will be able to play on the course at the weekend.

  • Sunday is member's day at Loreta
  • Reservations for Sunday playing times will be preferentially offered to Premium members and their guests until 5 p.m. on Thursday
  • On Sundays, playing times are not sold for the purpose of hosting commercial tournaments
  • If there is a commercial tournament at Loreta (course rental outside of Sundays), any free playing times before the start and after the end of the tournament will primarily be offered to the Premium members
  • We start smaller golf tournaments (20-60 players) only with a rolling start from hole #1 and in most cases at 10:00 a.m. so that members have the opportunity to play before and after the tournament. In this way, we occupy the least requested times for the tournament on the given day.